Govt plans to integrate 2 types of NISAs

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Prime Minster’s Office

The government has decided to revise the Nippon Individual Savings Account (NISA) investment scheme by integrating two different types of NISAs as part of efforts to increase investment and the number of such accounts.

Currently, investors can choose to open either an savings-type or a general NISA.

The savings-type NISA, which is designed for medium- to long-term asset building, allows investment through trusts selected by the Financial Services Agency, and provides tax exemption for 20 years with a maximum investment of ¥400,000 per year.

With a general NISA, investors are allowed to purchase stock in addition to using investment trusts. These accounts offer tax breaks for five years on investments of up to ¥1.2 million per year.

The government aims to establish a new framework that will inherit the functions of the general NISA as part of the framework for the savings-type NISA.

The new scheme will allow investors to use the functions of both types of accounts in the same account. As long as the maximum investment amount is not exceeded, investment income from both stocks and trusts will be exempt from taxes.

Some have criticized the continuation of the general NISA, saying that it does not lead to asset building in some cases.

As Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that NISAs, including general accounts, would be made permanent, the government decided to continue the scheme by integrating general and installment-type accounts.