Japan’s tech companies focus on work-style reforms to secure talent

The Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Line Corp. logo is seen in Tokyo.

Technology companies in Japan are focusing on work-style reforms to improve working conditions in a bid to secure talented personnel with high-tech skills.

Cybozu, Inc. will pay some employees a special allowance to help cope with higher prices in response to global inflation. The allowance will be paid between July and August to domestic and international company employees. Workers in Japan will receive up to ¥150,000. For overseas staff, the amount will be determined in consideration of local price trends.

About 1,000 employees are eligible for the allowance, regardless of whether they have permanent status or are on fixed-term contracts.

“The aim is to remove uncertainty in our employees’ lives caused by rapid inflation,” a company official said. “We want to create a better environment so they can concentrate on their work.”

Limitless residence

Messaging app operator Line Corp. will eliminate the maximum commuting expense allowance of ¥5,000 per day starting in August, in a move to create an environment in which employees can freely choose wherever they want to live and work.

Also, the upper limit for travel expenses per month will be increased from ¥100,000 to ¥150,000. The company specifies that employees should live in a location where they can report to work by 11 a.m. According to a company spokesman, the change means workers can live almost anywhere in the country.

About 5,000 staffers in Japan are subject to this measure, including workers at its group companies.

Since October 2021, Line has been promoting a work style centered on telecommuting that does not require employees to go to offices.