Precautions for Evacuation amid Severe Cold Weather: Layer Newspaper under Jacket

The Yomiuri Shimbun
A damaged street and a house partially destroyed by the earthquakes are seen in Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, on Monday.

The Society for Disaster Shelter and Refuge Life has released advice on its website on what to keep in mind during evacuation following the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.

The risk of hypothermia is high during extremely cold weather, especially for the elderly as they are extremely vulnerable to losing body heat. The association advises wearing warm clothing and layered dry clothing as a countermeasure, as well as stuffing newspaper under one’s jacket.

Staying overnight in a car should be avoided as much as possible due to the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and economy-class syndrome, in which blood clots can form when staying too long in the same position.

If there is no choice but to stay in a car, they highly encourage walking regularly to move one’s legs.

Avoid burning charcoal or charcoal briquettes indoors when staying at home during a power outage or running a generator to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.

As well, remember to pay close attention when using a portable cassette stove indoors as gas alarms may not work properly.