Young Lawmaker Being Pushed as Potential LDP Leader

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Takayuki Kobayashi

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Some members of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party hope that Takayuki Kobayashi, a relatively young former bureaucrat, will run in the party’s leadership election expected to take place next month.

They believe that electing Kobayashi, 49, as LDP president will help convince voters to think that the party has been able to reform itself following its high-profile political funds scandal.

Kobayashi did not confirm or deny that he would run in the leadership race when he appeared on television late last month.

“I’m making efforts to take the helm of the country someday. I’m focusing on increasing my capability as a politician at the moment,” he said.

He has been elected to the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament, four times and served in cabinet posts including economic security minister.

The member of the LDP faction led by former Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai emerged as a possible candidate for LDP president in the spring.

Young LDP lawmakers, who are concerned about their ability to survive elections as the party is under fire over the scandal, think that a Kobayashi presidency would give voters the impression that the LDP has been revamped.

But Kobayashi is little known outside of political circles and ranks far from the top in public opinion polls on the next LDP president.

Kobayashi is “creating buzz only in Nagatacho and little known to the public,” an LDP heavyweight said, referring to the center of Japanese politics.

Supporters of Kobayashi also include some senior LDP members, including former Secretary-General Akira Amari, who described him as an “outstanding” lawmaker.

But a middle-ranking LDP member expressed caution about letting Kobayashi run in the leadership race, saying he “could end up being used as a tool for senior members to exert influence.”

“The point is whether middle-ranking and young members can support him without being influenced by veterans,” said a young LDP member close to Kobayashi.