Kishida Apologizes Directly to Forced Sterilization Victims

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Wednesday apologized directly to victims of forced sterilizations conducted under the now-defunct eugenic protection law.

“The government’s responsibility is extremely serious,” Kishida told the victims in a meeting at the prime minister’s office. “I am sincerely sorry.”

“The old law was an inexcusable violation of human rights which tramples on individual dignity,” he said.

Kishida explained plans to work with ruling and opposition parties to create a new compensation program for victims.

“We will reach a conclusion as soon as possible” on the new compensation program, the prime minister said. “We will do our best for a speedy resolution.”

Those present at the meeting included plaintiffs for related lawsuits in which the Supreme Court earlier this month found the old law unconstitutional and ordered the government to pay damages.