Japan Says it Pauses Funding to UNRWA, ‘Extremely Concerned’ About Allegations

Reters File Photo
A truck, marked with United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) logo, crosses into Egypt from Gaza, at the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, during a temporary truce between Hamas and Israel, in Rafah, Egypt, November 27, 2023.

TOKYO, Jan 29 (Reuters) – Japan late on Sunday said it has decided to suspend additional funding to the United Nations’ agency for Palestinians in Gaza while the agency conducts an investigation into an allegation that its staff was involved in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Japan is “extremely concerned about the alleged involvement of UNRWA staff members in the terror attack on Israel” and has been “strongly urging UNRWA to conduct the investigation in a prompt and complete manner”, the foreign ministry said in a statement.

U.N. officials have urged countries, including top donors the U.S. and Germany, to reconsider their funding pauses for UNRWA. Japan is the sixth biggest donor to the agency, according to the UNRWA’s 2022 data.