3rd-party Panel Probe is Key for Fuji TV to Regain Trust Amid Nakai Scandal; Committee’s Core Members All Lawyers

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Reporters attend Fuji TV’s press conference on Monday in Tokyo.

The key for Fuji Television Network Inc. to regain trust amidst the scandal involving television personality Masahiro Nakai is the investigation by a recently established third-party committee. The panel, set up based on the guidelines of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, is comprised of members with no conflict of interest. This is the first time for Fuji TV to establish such a panel.

The panel was formally established on Thursday at the extraordinary meetings of the boards of directors of parent company Fuji Media Holdings Inc. and Fuji TV.

The panel is made up of three members, of all whom are lawyers. Akira Takeuchi has been appointed as committee chair.

The panel is expected to probe former Fuji TV President Koichi Minato and Nakai, as well as other Fuji employees who are believed to have a connection to the matter. It will also analyze the causes for the scandal, and issue recommendations for measures to be taken to prevent a recurrence.

Aside from its investigation, the panel is expected to focus on the possible failure of corporate governance, as well as whether it was appropriate to continue to allow Nakai to appear on Fuji TV programs even after the incident. The panel will also examine the purpose and background of the dinner meeting at which the incident occurred. It will also investigate to see if there have been other similar incidents.

The panel will compile a report and submit it around the end of March. Fuji TV will make the report public soon after receiving it.

“I will demand Fuji TV that not just rely on the panel, but act swiftly to reform the company,” said Osamu Kanemitsu, president of Fuji Media Holdings, at Monday’s press conference. “[This can be done] by training employees to understand and comply with dinner meeting rules and by organizing a reform team led by young employees.”