US Criticizes ICJ Opinion on Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories

Reuters file photo
International Court of Justice President Nawaf Salam (ICJ) speaks at the ICJ at the start of a hearing in The Hague, Netherlands, on May 16.

WASHINGTON, July 20 (Reuters) – The U.S. criticized “the breadth” of the top U.N. court’s opinionthat Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, with Washington saying it would complicate efforts to resolve the conflict.

“We have been clear that Israel’s program of government support for settlements is both inconsistent with international law and obstructs the cause of peace,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson said on Saturday in an email.

“However, we are concerned that the breadth of the court’s opinion will complicate efforts to resolve the conflict,” the State Department added.

The International Court of Justice, or the World Court, said on Friday that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories and settlements was illegal and should be ended as soon as possible, delivering its strongest findings to date on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The State Department said the ICJ opinion that Israel must withdraw as soon as possible from the Palestinian territories was “inconsistent with the established framework” for resolving the conflict.

Washington said that framework took into account Israel’s security needs, which it says were highlighted by the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. Those attacks killed 1,200, with around 250 people taken as hostages, according to Israeli tallies.