Hirosaki U. Student Developing Toothbrush Made of Plastic Mixed with Scallop Shell Powder; Aims to Reduce Plastic Waste

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Sakura Makikata shows a toothbrush made of plastic mixed with 51% scallop shell powder.

AOMORI — A Hirosaki University student is developing a toothbrush made of plastic mixed with scallop shell powder in an effort to make effective use of the large amount of shells from Aomori Prefecture’s specialty scallop farming.

Sakura Makikata, 19, a sophomore at the university’s Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science, has been raising money for production costs through crowdfunding and plans to start selling the product around March.

Since the summer of 2024, she has been working with the Aomori municipal government and companies outside of the prefecture to develop prototypes of the toothbrush. She founded a company in January.

The head and handle of the toothbrush are made of plastic resin containing 51% seashell powder, which is pleasant to the touch. The shells are said to have antibacterial and deodorizing effects.

Since plastic waste is a global problem, using shells is an attractive way to help reduce such waste, she said.

The crowdfunding site Campfire is accepting donations for the project this month, and the items being returned include a toothbrush. She hopes to raise ¥1 million.

“I want to share a new kind of value of scallops in Aomori with the toothbrushes,” she said.