Coldest Wave of Winter Predicted to Bring Heavy Snowfall to Sea of Japan Side, Possible Snow on Pacific Plains

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Japan Meteorological Agency

The strongest cold wave of this winter is expected to move into the skies over Japan, likely bringing heavy snowfall mainly on the Sea of Japan side of the country from Tuesday.

The cold wave will continue for about a week, and there is a possibility of snowfall even in the low-lying areas on the Pacific Ocean side. The Japan Meteorological Agency is urging people to be careful of the impact to traffic caused by icy road surfaces, avalanches and snow accumulation.

According to the agency, the amount of snowfall in the 24 hours up to 6 a.m. on Tuesday is expected to be 50 centimeters in Hokkaido, 40 centimeters in Hokuriku (including Niigata Prefecture), 30 centimeters in Tohoku, 25 centimeters in Tokai and 20 centimeters in Kinki and Chugoku and northern Kyushu, respectively at the maximum.

Up to 6:00 a.m. on Wednesday, the amount of snowfall in the 24 hours is expected to be as follows: 70 centimeters in Tohoku, Hokuriku (including Niigata Prefecture) and Tokai; 50 centimeters in Hokkaido, Kinki and Chugoku; 30 centimeters in northern Kyushu; and 20 centimeters in Shikoku.