National Security Secretary Head Akiba Announces Resignation; Outgoing Head Calls for Deeper Ties Between Japan, U.S.

Takeo Akiba

National Security Secretariat Secretary General Takeo Akiba said Friday he will tender his resignation to coincide with the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, saying that the Japanese side should approach the U.S. transition with a new framework.

Akiba made the announcement at a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office.

“Since my counterpart, with whom I have closely cooperated, will be leaving his post, the timing seems right,” he said.

He said that the Japanese government should change its lineup of national security officials to coincide with changes in other countries, referring especially to the U.S. administration.

Speaking about the incoming Trump administration, Akiba said, “Whoever the U.S. president is, unending work and trust is needed to continue to raise the level of the Japan-U.S. alliance.”

He urged both governments to make efforts to further deepen the Japan-U.S. alliance.

“I want the leaders [of both nations] to mutually build the future of the Japan-U.S. alliance,” Akiba said, expressing his expectation that Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba will develop trustful ties with Trump.

The secretary general of the National Security Secretariat is an important post that serves as a command tower for Japan’s diplomatic and security policies. Akiba is scheduled to leave the post on Monday.