LEGEND / Japan’s Most Prolific Striker Lived Up to Own Criteria
Sitting in his Osaka office surrounded by countless trophies, Kunishige Kamamoto talks with a gentle...
June 20, 2023
Nagaokakyo: Why Was This Ancient Capital City So Short-lived?
After the capital of Japan moved to Heiankyo, now called Kyoto, in 794, it remained there for more t...
June 5, 2023
Officials Hold Power of Life and Death Over Refugees in Japan
For the time being, Afshin has some of the peace of mind he had been seeking for decades. But there ...
May 23, 2023
Pickup Sports Pick Up Steam
I think it used to be the norm to enjoy sports with friends — games such as futsal, basketball and g...
May 22, 2023
Secrets of Kyoto / Taira no Kiyomori’s short-lived new capital dream
KYOTO — Kyoto is said to have been the capital of Japan from 794 to 1868. However, the capital was r...
May 2, 2023
Kyoto festival focuses lens on meaning of ‘border’
KYOTO — Kyotographie, a major international photo festival held in Kyoto, opened for its annual run ...
April 30, 2023
LEGEND / After 75 Years, Jazz Pianist Akiyoshi Still Plays On
As Toshiko Akiyoshi, 93, walked toward the stage, her footsteps were a little tentative. But once sh...
April 24, 2023
Senkaku Islands Ecosystem Threatened by Goats
NAHA — The unique ecosystem of the Senkaku Islands is deteriorating due to damage caused by goats, a...
April 10, 2023
Tracing the Complicated Origins of the Samurai Warrior Class
The Heian period (794-late 12th century) was an artistic golden age. In the then-capital Kyoto, nobl...
April 4, 2023
Foodex offers a taste of the culinary future
The enticing aroma of beef on a grill drew a crowd to the Canadian pavilion at the Foodex Japan 2023...
March 27, 2023
Wheelchair users face various challenges in an earthquake
When a natural disaster such as a strong earthquake occurs, people with physical or mental disabilit...
March 13, 2023
Fukuoka Shopping District Serves up Tastes of Asia
According to a survey conducted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency in fiscal 2021, there wer...
March 7, 2023
Secrets of Kyoto / Hikaru Genji: Decadent playboy or tireless official?
“The Tale of Genji,” an expansive court novel set in Kyoto in the early 11th century, is in part the...
February 20, 2023
A Long Wait Filled with Hope, Only to End in Grief
The thought will forever haunt them. “Surely my child would have been saved...” In a country wher...
January 30, 2023
Surviving When Fires Follow an Earthquake
High-density areas of old wooden houses are a feature of many cities across the nation. If a massive...
January 24, 2023